Exhibitor Booths

Convention Exhibitors

Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness or increase sales, exhibiting at a convention is a good way to do it. It’s a great way to introduce new products or services to an interested audience, and to connect with other industry professionals. You also may be able to get in front of thousands of potential customers by partnering with a media outlet.

Typically, exhibitor booths are located in the expo hall. The main purpose of an exhibitor is to display products or services. An exhibitor may provide a service, too, or offer information on their business. For example, if an exhibitor’s company sells software, they could be offering a demo or presentation.

If you’re interested in exhibiting at a trade show, make sure you check out each event’s application process. Each event has a different application form and a unique set of requirements. Read the contract carefully before submitting your application.

Similarly, you’ll want to take advantage of all the freebies the organizers offer. A good event should have a robust registration platform that makes the experience smooth and straightforward. However, be wary of bogus discounts and room block pirates. These individuals have been known to swindle exhibitors out of their money by offering bogus deals. They also try to divert attendees away from official room blocks.

In addition to the exhibition hall, exhibitors are encouraged to participate in activities on the show floor. This can include offering to host a seminar or workshop, as well as providing testimonials for other exhibitor’s products and services. By collaborating with other exhibitors, you can reach a larger target audience and increase your chances of making an impression on the event’s delegates.

A good event should also be a learning experience for both the exhibitors and the organizers. By interacting with attendees, you’ll have a chance to discover what they like and don’t like about the event. Also, you’ll be able to identify ways to improve the experience for everyone.

One of the most effective ways to showcase your wares is to offer free samples. Generally, this will be done through a “Showcase” that is designed to promote your product. Only companies that sign up for an exhibitor space in the expo hall will be allowed to offer Showcases.

Other options include the “Corral” which is a special area for showcasing your product or service. Although this area isn’t as large as the exhibit hall, it’s designed to appeal to attendees. Companies that offer this service will be featured in signage and on the program.

Finally, the most efficient method to exhibit at an event is to sign up early. While this can mean some inconvenience, it’s a small price to pay if it means you’ll be able to secure a good spot in the expo hall.

There are hundreds of companies that exhibit at a convention or tradeshow. Exhibiting at the right event can help you connect with educators, get in front of decision makers and boost your brand.